Animation Research Tasks

Animation: Three infographics task-Task 1:


Task 3:

a)Summarise 3-5 things you learned?
At 3m40 there is a straight line with lots of little lines through... what do the small lines (going horizontally) represent?

Throughout this video, I've learnt many interesting things when it comes to using frames. The video demonstrates by showing various bouncing balls and then how small changes from each frame can make a difference to its speed when watching it.

First example he mentions is about the Timing. The timing consists of Speed/ Tempo in which an action takes place. You would determine the speed of an action by how many pictures, or frames, it takes to happen. The more frames something takes to happen, the more time it spends on screen, so the slower the action will be. Whereas the fewer frames uses less screen which gives us a faster action.

Second example would be how each ball plays its own beat which tells us something about itself and the time it takes to travel across the screen. This however happens to when these invisible forces apply, and why the balls behave in that way which all depends on the physical properties of the ball.

Thirdly the horizontal lines represent one frame. The change in each position is what you call "Spacing". The smaller the change, the slower the action will appear. The greater the change the faster it will appear. For an action to decelerate, each change in position must be less than the change before it. So for an action to speed up, or accelerate each successive change must be greater.

b)Draw your own version - draw that grid.

c)Draw it again to represent the ball slowing down... when it gets to the top and bottom.

d)Draw it again to represent the ball speeding up when it gets to the top and the bottom.

E) Can you think of real-life scenarios where something might speed up in the middle, or slow down in the middle?

An example for speeding up in the middle would be a swing as it always picks up speed half way through but slows down at the end and repeats.

Another example for slowing down in the middle is a car using the breaks whilst someone cuts through in front of him on a high way and then after that accelerating again.
