Using Animate

 Bouncy Ball animated gif:

What would you change?
I would change the speed when it bounces off the ground to make it a little slower.

What are you most pleased with?
I'm most pleased with how well it transforms when the ball hits the ground and when it bounces off the ground.

What would TWO other people change to make it better?
Keep the size the same throughout the whole gif as it changes slightly.
Make it slower when the ball if falling towards the ground.

Write down some key skills you've learned, whether it's a shortcut or something else you need to remember.
I've learnt how to use classic tween so that the animated clip plays much smoother. I've also learnt how to use key frames in order for the animation to work.

Bowling ball animation:

Plant pot drag animation:

Stop motion animation:

Lip Sync Animation:

What were you asked to do?
For this task we were asked to follow along a tutorial in which it guided me in creating my very own character lip syncing with the audio in Animate. Throughout the whole process we had to create multiple mouths in which resembles a certain letter.

What did you do?
Firstly, I created the characters face in animate which didn't need to be in detail as it was just to show that we can do this skill. I then created a multitude of mouth expressions in order for it to be used when I add the audio in. After all of that was done, the audio was the implemented in which I then pressed a few buttons which would automatically implement the mouth expressions at specific parts throughout the timeline. I had to however, re arrange a few in order for it to sync in better.

What was the hardest task?
The hardest task for me personally was when the lips weren't in sync of the audio in which I had to place them manually to fit with the audio.

How successful were you?
Overall, this turned out better than expected because, the tutorial I was watching was an old version of Animation but luckily there wasn't any complications when following his tutorial.

What would you do differently next time?
Overall what I'll do differently is by potentially creating more lip designs to have a better understanding of the lips when moving with the specific letters 
